Equity Belgium
Value Square Fund
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Equity Belgium

Below you can find more information about the "Value Square Fund Equity Belgium" sub-fund.


Before deciding to invest in the sub-fund, one should read the prospectus and the key information document (PRIIPS KID). The documents are available in Dutch. You will find these documents further on this page. This is a publicity announcement.


The sub-fund invests primarily in Belgian equities.


The assets of this sub-fund are invested primarily in Belgian equities. Stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and a bottom-up approach with the emphasis on the principle of value investing. The objective of the sub-fund is to seek the highest possible return in absolute terms, rather than improving stock market indices, while limiting risks.

In circumstances where the manager assesses downside risks to exceed potential returns, the portion invested in equities may be reduced in favor of investments in cash and money market instruments.

When the manager assesses market risk on average, the sub-fund may have up to 25% invested in cash and/or money market instruments.

When the manager assesses market risk as high, the sub-fund may be invested up to 50% in cash and/or money market instruments. The sub-fund will always be at least 50% invested in equities.

Active portfolio management

The sub-fund's portfolio is actively managed by the portfolio manager, meaning that he makes discretionary investment choices at the portfolio level within the limits of the investment objective and policy.

Neither the method of management nor the calculation of the performance fee are aligned with an index.



  • Compartment of: Value Square Fund
  • Legal form: self-managed bevek
  • Domicile: Belgium

Costs and taxes


  • Entry fee: Maximum 1%, for the benefit of your distributor
  • Exit fee: none
  • Management fee: C class: 1%
  • Ongoing charges (sum of "Management and other administrative or operating costs" and "Transaction costs"): C CAP class: 1.40%, C DIS class: 1.40%
  • Performance fee: none
  • Anti-dilution levy: In exceptional circumstances, an additional cost (anti dilution levy) may be charged on all entries or all exits of a sub-fund to protect investors against liquidity risk. This charge may vary from 0% to a maximum of 5%. More information can be found in the prospectus of the Sicav.


  • The following taxes are imposed on an average non-professional investor physical person resident in Belgium
  • Stock market tax: Capitalization classes: 0% on entry; 1.32% on exit (max. €4000). Distribution classes: None.
  • Withholding tax: Capitalization classes: None. Distribution classes: 30% on dividends

Minimum investment

  • C class: 1 partial certificate


Description of risks deemed significant and relevant, as estimated by the compartment:

  • Market risk: the sub-fund invests primarily in listed equities whose prices may (significantly) decline, due to deteriorating macroeconomic conditions, specific business conditions, or due to general market psychology.
  • Liquidity risk: it cannot be ruled out that a large part of the portfolio will consist of small caps. Small caps tend to have lower liquidity than blue chips.
  • Return risk: the sub-fund follows its own investment strategy and is therefore not linked to an index. As a result, the sub-fund's return may differ significantly from the overall market return
  • Risk dependent on external factors: the benefit to holders of distribution units of this sub-fund is highly dependent on the maintenance of the current tax system of Definitively Taxed Income and may diminish or even disappear altogether in the event of changes in tax legislation

Investor rights

For more information on investor rights, you can always visit our"Legal Information" webpage or open this link. The information in the document is available in Dutch, French and English.