Below you can find more information about the "Value Square Fund Equity Belgium" sub-fund.
Before deciding to invest in the sub-fund, one should read the prospectus and the key information document (PRIIPS KID). The documents are available in Dutch. You will find these documents further on this page. This is a publicity announcement.
The sub-fund invests primarily in Belgian equities.
The assets of this sub-fund are invested primarily in Belgian equities. Stock selection is based on fundamental analysis and a bottom-up approach with the emphasis on the principle of value investing. The objective of the sub-fund is to seek the highest possible return in absolute terms, rather than improving stock market indices, while limiting risks.
In circumstances where the manager assesses downside risks to exceed potential returns, the portion invested in equities may be reduced in favor of investments in cash and money market instruments.
When the manager assesses market risk on average, the sub-fund may have up to 25% invested in cash and/or money market instruments.
When the manager assesses market risk as high, the sub-fund may be invested up to 50% in cash and/or money market instruments. The sub-fund will always be at least 50% invested in equities.
The sub-fund's portfolio is actively managed by the portfolio manager, meaning that he makes discretionary investment choices at the portfolio level within the limits of the investment objective and policy.
Neither the method of management nor the calculation of the performance fee are aligned with an index.
Description of risks deemed significant and relevant, as estimated by the compartment:
For more information on investor rights, you can always visit our"Legal Information" webpage or open this link. The information in the document is available in Dutch, French and English.